
Pitof is an award winning director, producer and digital imaging pioneer. In 1985 he co-founded Duran Duboi  a leading digital post-production company in France that went public. In September 2001, he made his directorial debut with the feature film “Vidocq”, starring Gerard Depardieu and Guillaume Canet, “Vidocq” was the first feature film ever made in High Definition and won multiple notable awards.

Pitof made his Hollywood debut in 2003, directing “Catwoman” for Warner Brothers, starring Halle Berry and Sharon Stone. He has been producing and directing various forms of content world wide since, mainly in the US, Europe and China. More recently he co-produced 3 feature films in Los Angeles and produced a 10’ by 10 episode Mobile-Ready Series for Studio Plus, a French studio pioneer in the mobile content for Vivendi.

In 2019 Pitof co-founded 6th Sense VR, a company developing, producing and distributing VR content for Well- Being.